Our management

The management of the Haag-Streit Group looks closely day by day to see more

Thomas Bernhard


At Haag-Streit since: 01/03/2014

What is important to me:

Constructive cooperation across national borders and all companies in the Group. Respectful and effective interaction, as well as tolerance and transparency between us, alongside our customers and partners all over the world. The development of innovative and forward-looking solutions for the patients’ benefit.

Roman Angst


At Haag-Streit since: 01/01/2021

What is important to me:

Continuous refinement and optimization of the Haag-Streit supply chain in order to continue to meet growing demands in terms of technology, process reliability, efficiency, regulations, flexibility and quality. And of course, to manufacture leading products.

Stefan Büchler


At Haag-Streit since: 01/09/2023

What is important to me:

The full transparency in the key financial figures is essential for managing the company. It is therefore important to me to drive forward the digitalization of our processes to provide the key figures on time and in the right quality.

Felix Heimann

Executive Vice President R&D

At Haag-Streit since: 15/11/2013

What is important to me:

Defining and driving a policy for research and product development to ensure that the brand Haag-Streit remains synonymous with highest standards of quality and technological leadership. Mapping our path into the exciting future of digital healthcare.