






グローバルトレンド表示は、平均欠損(MD)を用いて、視野の傾向が全体的に安定しているか、進行しているかを示します。さらに、Diffuse Defect (DD)とLocal Defect (LD)は、びまん性欠損(例えば白内障や一般的な視野の信頼性の低さ等)が緑内障性の局所的な小さな変化を隠している場合に役立ちます。トレンド表示の重要性はアイコンで表示されます。

Cluster Analysis/Trend

Sensitive glaucoma analysis

The sensitive Cluster Trend groups visual field defects along nerve fiber bundles and combines high sensitivity with good specificity to detect early glaucomatous changes. Significant cluster worsening is highlighted with red downward arrows. Cluster Analysis is available in both single field and trend view.*


*PMID: 8250069, 24892507, 2871558



構造と機能の結果を組み合わせることは、緑内障の発症と進行の包括的な評価を得るための鍵となります。Polar Analysisは、神経線維に沿った局所的な視野欠損を視神経乳頭に投影し、構造的な結果として方向付けして表示します。Polar Analysisはシングルフィールドとトレンド(オプション)が使用可能です。



ONH Projection解析は、クラスター解析の感度、構造と機能の相関関係を示すPolar解析の表示を組み合わせています。

Visual field change on one screen

Progression single eye

With the global progression analysis for a single eye, you can look at all relevant progression data of one eye on a single screen. This display includes the global trend view of the four indices MD, sLV, DD and LD, as well as the Cluster and Polar Trend Analysis. For a meaningful interpretation of results, unreliable tests can be excluded from the analysis by a simple click on the respective visual field.
Identification of overall change

Global progression both eyes

The global progression analysis for both eyes shows the trend analysis of the four global indices Mean Defect MD, sLV, Diffuse Defect DD and Local Defect LD. Red downward arrows show significant change at the two significance levels p <5% (unfilled red arrow) and p < 1% (filled red arrow), while the slope indicates the rate of change in dB per year to identify fast progressors. By just looking at the symbols and the slope, visual field progression assessment can be completed in an appropriated time.
Sensitive glaucoma analysis

Cluster Trend Analysis

The Cluster Trend Analysis is sensitive to detect small local glaucomatous changes. It groups visual field defects along nerve fiber bundles in ten visual field clusters. Red downward arrows show significant cluster change at the two significance levels p <5% (unfilled red arrow) and p < 1% (filled red arrow). The rate of change per cluster in dB per years is shown inside each cluster to detect rapidly progressing clusters.
For structural comparisons

Polar Trend Analysis

The Polar Trend Analysis shows single point worsening in the same orientation as a structural result. Red lines indicate the amount of worsening over the selected period.
For structural comparison with OCT segments

ONH Projection Trend Analysis

The Optic Nerve Head (ONH) Projection Analysis combines the sensitivity of the Cluster Analysis with the display of the Polar Analysis for structure-function correlations. All the data is equivalent to that displayed in the Cluster Trend Analysis but shown as OCT segments. Interpretation is made simple: just look for a correlation at the same location in an OCT segment to confirm progression.
Visual field change on one screen
Identification of overall change
Sensitive glaucoma analysis
For structural comparisons
For structural comparison with OCT segments