High-fidelity training simulator for retinal examinations on preterm infants

High fidelity simulator

Close-to-life training environment

The Eyesi Indirect Ophthalmoscope ROP Simulator (Eyesi Indirect ROP) is a mixed reality simulator that offers a highly immersive training environment for proper device handling. The simulator enacts every relevant aspect of the real examination scenario. It consists of a head-mounted stereo display representing an ophthalmoscope, a patient model head with eyes, and mimics of lenses and a scleral depressor. The user is presented with an immersive 3D simulation of the patient; the indirect ophthalmoscope mimic, the handheld lens, and the patient’s eye must be aligned exactly to visualize the retina. To add to an immersive, close-to-life environment, the eyes can be indented and tilted into different directions using the scleral depressor. The effect of the manipulation is simulated in real time.


Standardized curriculum

Step-by-step to expert performance

The Eyesi Indirect ROP offers a standardized, didactically curriculum featuring virtual patients with different stages of retinopathy, including aggressive ROP, plus disease and retinal detachment, thereby ensuring that each resident has been trained on the same range of pathologies. The simulator curriculum teaches the main characteristics of ROP and how to recognize the different zones and stages according to the “International Classification of Acute Stages of Retinopathy of Prematurity”. Trainees also become acquainted with their specific country’s guidelines for screening intervals and treatment of ROP. Online courses available on the VRmNet platform provide medical background and complement the practical training on the simulator.



Feedback & evaluation

The Eyesi Indirect ROP provides both trainee and educators with a detailed assessment of examination and classification skills. Evaluated parameters are, for example, the light exposure, completeness of the retinal area examined, completeness and correctness of findings, appropriate use of indentation, or examination time. With the combination of a standardized curriculum and the computer-based evaluation, the training system can ensure that each trainee reaches a standard performance level.

Online administration of users and classes

VRmNet for educators

VRmNet is a web service for networked simulators from Haag-Streit Simulation. Educators can use VRmNet to easily set up users and classes. Trainees then receive a welcome email with their login information. After logging in to their personal dashboard, they have access to an orientation course to help them get started with their simulator training. Educators can monitor their student’s progress online.

Online learning resources

VRmNet for trainees

For trainees, the web based VRmNet dashboard offers access to their current training status and courses on the medical background. Furthermore, they find their personal findings library for recap of learning content. The VRmNet dashboard can be accessed online from any computer or mobile device.


Validated training methods

Numerous studies have validated the training concepts of training simulators by Haag-Streit Simulation and have proven that beginners, residents, and experienced doctors benefit from simulator training.



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